pokemon gs chronicles cheats

pokemon gs chronicles cheats

Overview: Pokémon GS Chronicles is a fan-made ROM hack based on Pokémon FireRed, designed to bring the story of Pokémon Gold and Silver to a new generation of players with updated mechanics, cutscenes, day/night cycles, new puzzles, and custom move sets. It was released in 2014 and has gained high praise from fans for its creative take on the Pokémon formula.

Cheat Codes for Pokémon GS Chronicles

Here are some popular cheat codes to enhance your gameplay:

Money and Items:

  1. Infinite Money:Copy code29C78059 96542194
  2. Walk Through Walls:Copy code509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4
  3. Buy Items at the Mart (replace xxxx with item codes):Copy code82003884 xxxx Example items:
    • Master Ball: 0001
    • Ultra Ball: 0002
    • Potion: 0013
    • Rare Candy: 0044
    • Exp. Share: 00B6
    • Lucky Egg: 00C5

Other Items and Enhancements:

  • You can replace the “xxxx” in the “Buy Items at the Mart” code with various item codes to purchase items directly. Some key items and their codes include:
0001Master Ball0044Rare Candy
0002Ultra Ball00B6Exp. Share
0003Great Ball00C5Lucky Egg
0013Full Restore00C7Metal Coat
001AFresh Water0103Mach Bike
01D1Mystic Water0107Good Rod
013FTM31 (Brick Break)0143TM34 (Shock Wave)
0164HM01 (Cut)0146TM38 (Fire Blast)

Note: This list only covers a fraction of the available items. You can find additional items with their corresponding codes from the ROM or cheat websites.

How to Use Cheat Codes:

  • Pokémon GS Chronicles runs as a ROM hack of Pokémon FireRed, so you’ll need an emulator like Visual Boy Advance or similar to run the game and input these cheats.
  • Open the emulator settings and navigate to the Cheat Code section.
  • Insert the desired code and activate it.
  • After enabling cheats, reload your game or enter specific locations to see the effects take place.

Cheat Codes FAQ

  1. How do I enable cheat codes on Pokémon GS Chronicles?
    • Since this is a ROM hack, the cheat codes need to be entered into an emulator. Most emulators like Visual Boy Advance have a built-in option for adding cheat codes. Access the cheat menu, paste the codes, and enable them.
  2. How can I play Pokémon GS Chronicles?
    • To play this ROM hack, you’ll need a compatible emulator and the ROM file for Pokémon GS Chronicles. You can find these online, but always ensure to download from trusted sources to avoid any potential risks like viruses or malware.

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