gta 5 xbox 360 boat cheat code

gta 5 xbox 360 boat cheat code

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Grand Theft Auto 5Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ (HTML)


All GTA 5 cheats

Enter one of the following codes while playing the game or at the pause screen to activate the corresponding cheat function. If you entered a code correctly, a small confirmation will appear above the map. Note: There is no GTA 5 money cheat in the game. Click here to view how to get easy and infinite money. Grand Theft Auto V cheats for Xbox One cannot be saved, and must be entered manually each time. They also cannot be used during missions. If you enable cheats and start a mission, the cheats will automatically be disabled. All direction commands must be entered using the digital pad. Cheats also disable Xbox One achievements from being earned for the current game save. Thus, quick save your game before using cheat codes.

Dinka Go Go Monkey Blista car

The Dinka Go Go Monkey Blista is an exclusive car for returning players that upgrade from the Xbox 360 or PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto 5 to the PS4, Xbox One, or PC version of the game. Find the 50 Monkey Mosaics scattered around the map, and take a picture of each of them with any character to unlock a random event and monkey outfits for Trevor. Before starting this random event, make sure to purchase all three garages for Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. This will increase the chances for the random event to spawn. Successfully complete the random event to unlock the Dinka Go Go Monkey Blista car in your garage. Once the Dinka Go Go Monkey Blista car has been unlocked, you can spawn it by calling ” 1-999-282-2537 ” (BUBBLES) on your cell phone.

Dodo seaplane

The Dodo seaplane is an exclusive vehicle for returning players that upgrade from the Xbox 360 or PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto 5 to the PS4, Xbox One, or PC version of the game. It will appear as a random event after you complete the “Nervous Ron” mission with Trevor. You can find it at the following location . Once the Dodo seaplane has been unlocked, you can spawn it by calling ” 1-999-398-4628 ” (EXTINCT) on your cell phone.

Imponte Duke O’Death car

The Imponte Duke O’Death is an exclusive two-door armored muscle car for returning players that upgrade from the Xbox 360 or PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto 5 to the PS4, Xbox One, or PC version of the game. It will appear as a random event after you complete the first Tonya Strangers & Freaks mission (Pulling Favours). You can find it at the following location . Once the Imponte Duke O’Death has been unlocked, you can spawn it by calling ” 1-999-3328-4227 ” (DEATHCAR) on your cell phone.

Play as Bigfoot

Take the hidden golden peyote plant to transform into Bigfoot. The following conditions must first be met to make it appear. The game must be completed. The system date must be any Tuesday. Set the system time to between 5:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. The weather must be snowy (foggy on PC); use the cheat code if needed. All 27 other peyote plants must have been collected. You also must have spared Bigfoot during “The Last One” mission. Then, go to the following location (-1472.531, 4439.456, 18.862 coordinates) to find the hidden golden peyote plant. Note: Playing as Bigfoot is exclusive to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of GTA 5 .

Play as a chicken, dog, seagull, and other animals

Find one of the 27 hidden fat green peyote plants. Then, eat the peyote to hallucinate and transform into one of 27 unique animals, including a chicken, crow, hawk, dog, and seagull. Each animal can perform unique actions, including pooping with the seagull and barking and bitting with the dog. One of the peyote plants can be found near the lower gondola station on Mount Chiliad. Travel up the road that is next to the lower gondola station. Once you see the “Bell’s End – Danger” sign to the left of the dirt road, go towards the cliff (the direction the “Danger” sign is pointing), then turn right and proceed forward to find two small wooden poles nearby with flapping red ribbons tied around them. Directly next to these two wooden poles is a peyote plant. Note: Playing as animals is exclusive to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of GTA 5 .

Wild Animal actor in Director mode

Collect all seven golden peyote plants to unlock the Wild Animal actor in Director mode. You first need to have a 100% game completion, complete “The Last One” Strangers & Freaks mission, and collect all 27 peyote plants.

Vintage graphics filter

Note: This is only available if you are returning to the game on the Xbox One from the Xbox 360 version. Successfully complete the main storyline. Then while playing as Michael, find the four murder mystery clues written on various walls in Los Santos. You will hear a sound after each clue is viewed. Take the submarine out into the ocean off the west coast, and then swim down to the bottom with the scuba gear to find a drowned woman chained to concrete on the seabed, near a sunken ship. Next, go to Richard’s Majestic film studio after 9 p.m., and step into the yellow mission circle. While in the office, look at the letter on the desk. It will lead you to the mineshaft. Use a gun with a flashlight to navigate your way to the bottom of the mine to find Issac’s corpse, which will be added to your contacts. Select that contact to apply a black and white noire filter to the graphics. This filter is also a reference to L.A. Noire by Rockstar.

Secret Bigfoot hunting mission

Get a 100% completion in GTA 5 to unlock “The Last One” secret Strangers and Freaks mission for Franklin at the following location at Mount Chiliad. The special mission requires you to catch a Sasquatch by chasing him through the forest. This mission has some similarities to the “Birth Of The Conservation Movement” mission in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare .

Epsilon Tractor

Successfully complete the “Epsilon Tract” mission to unlock the Epsilon Tractor for Michael.

Hot Rod ATV

Successfully complete all main storyline missions to unlock the Hot Rod ATV for Trevor.

Imponte Duke O’Death car

Successfully complete the first Tonya Strangers and Freaks mission “Pulling Favors”, just outside Franklin’s aunt’s house. The Imponte Duke O’Death car will appear in a random event at the parking lot of the cafe on the south road across Sandy Shores in the Grand Senora Desert. The cafe can be found just below the airstrip. After stealing the Imponte Duke O’Death, you will be chased by gunmen in several cargo trucks and other smaller vehicles. Either eliminate them or escape the pursuit. Note: You can try driving on the train tracks and entering the railroad tunnels to lose the pursuers. After storing it in your garage, it will also spawn next to the oil derricks west of the airstrip at the Grand Senora Desert and in the scrap yard at the southwest corner in El Burro Heights. Additionally, the Imponte Duke O’Death is exclusive to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of GTA 5 .

Kraken Submarine

Successfully complete the Wildlife Photography challenge by taking pictures of all 20 animals to unlock the Kraken submarine. Note: The Kraken Submarine is exclusive to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of GTA 5 .

Space Docker car

Successfully complete the “Far Out” mission for the Omega stranger (he becomes available after completing the “Fame Or Shame” main mission) in east Sandy Shores by collecting all 50 spaceship parts in Grand Theft Auto 5 to unlock the Space Docker (alien) car. This car is loaded with alien technology, including two large booster jets.

Bonus vehicles

Win the indicated Stock Car race near the airstrip in Grand Senora Desert to unlock the corresponding vehicle in your garage. Note: The Cheval Marshall Monster Truck will appear at Trevor’s airstrip at Grand Senora Desert. Additionally, these vehicles are exclusive to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of GTA 5 .

Wildlife Photography locations

Successfully complete the first Paparazzo Strangers and Freaks mission to get a text from Beverly, indicating that your name has been sent for a photography challenge. Your task is to find 20 different animals and take their pictures. Send the photos as soon as they are taken to LS Tourist Info to check that animal off the list. Take pictures of all 20 animals to get the Kraken Submarine. Note: The Wildlife Photography challenge is exclusive to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of GTA 5 .

Alternate costumes

Successfully complete the final mission in the main storyline to unlock mission-specific costumes for all three characters, including the black outfits from stealth missions, guard uniforms from the final mission, and police uniforms. To unlock all shirts, get a 100% game completion.

Ammu-Nation discounts

Successfully complete all Gun Range challenges with Bronze medals to get a 10 percent discount at Ammu-Nation stores. Successfully complete all Gun Range challenges with Silver medals to get a 15 percent discount at Ammu-Nation stores. Successfully complete all Gun Range challenges with Gold medals to get a 25 percent discount at Ammu-Nation stores. Note: Discounts are attached to each character. Thus, getting all Gold medals with Michael will only allow him to get the 25 percent discount.

LifeInvader unlockables

To get bonus customizations, discounts, and free items for Michael, Franklin, and Trevor, go to Rockstar’s LifeInvader social network, and click the “Stalk” button on the page. Sign into LifeInvader with your Social Club name and password. Then, different pages will appear randomly after refreshing. Click the “Stalk” button on each one to unlock something new for use in GTA 5 . For example, to get a free haircut and unlock additional hairstyles, go to Herr Kutz Barber , and click the “Stalk” button. The following is a list of all unlockables for clicking the “Stalk” button on each LifeInvader page:

Infinite grenade launchers

Go to the location shown on the map in the video below. Enter the cave, and dive to the bottom to get a grenade launcher. Then, swim back to the surface, save the game, and reload the saved game. The grenade launcher will have respawned. Repeat this process as many times as desired.

Infinite Molotov cocktails

Go under the bridge at the following location in North Chumash to find a cache of five Molotov cocktails. To get unlimited Molotov cocktails, collect the Molotov cocktails, save the game, and reload the saved game. The Molotov cocktails will have respawned. Repeat this process as many times as desired.

Duplicating vehicles

Customize any car as desired, then switch to a different character, drive by the character in the customized car, and hang out with him. Then, get out of your vehicle, and drive their customized car. When you return with the customized car after hanging out with the other character, there will be another of the same customized car. Get out of the car, and take the duplicated customized car. Then, switch back to the other character, and take the original customized car.

Place the vehicle you want to duplicate inside that character’s garage, leave the garage, and save the game. Then, switch to the character you want to receive the duplicated car, and travel to the garage of the previous character where you saved the car. Switch back to the original character who owns the garage, and take the car out of it. Get out of the car, and have both characters meet each other, then immediately switch to the other character, get in the vehicle, and save it in that character’s garage. The original character now must pay a small $250 fine to the impound lot to get the vehicle back, but it will be duplicated. Both characters will now own the same vehicle. Repeat this as many times as desired. It is recommended you use this exploit with the Truffade Adder (Bugatti Veyron) super car, as it is worth $1 million.

Easy full health

When you are low on health and not playing a mission, switch to a different character, and then immediately switch back to have your health fully restored.

Easy money

While driving around, look for blue dots to appear on the map, which indicate armored cars. Try to shoot the driver with the briefcase before he reaches the armored car to quickly get the money ($5,000). If you are having problems opening an armored car, drive it into the water, and the back doors will instantly open.

While playing as Franklin and free roaming around his house, a blue marker may appear on the screen. If it does, investigate what is going because it might be a kid telling you his bike got stolen. If you get the bike back for him, later in the game he will text you saying he is a millionaire, and give you $100,000.

Successfully complete the final heist in Story mode to earn approximately $25 million for each character. Then, invest that money in the stock market to make a lot more money.

Easy money in stock market

To make easy money in the stock market, invest in a company, and then target the competing company. When you do something in Grand Theft Auto 5 that affects a company (like robbing a bank or gas station, or destroying a plane), its stock price will decrease by a certain amount depending on the quantity of damage you caused to the company (the more problems you cause the company, the lower the stock price will go). Thus, buy stock in the competing company that you are going to target. For example, buy stock in AirEmu, then shoot down some FlyUS planes to make their stock price decrease and AirEmu’s stock price increase. Another method is shooting down some planes of an airline, then buying a bunch of stock in that airline after their stock decreases. Next, shoot down some planes of the competing airline, and the stock price for the airline you bought should increase. The same can be done with oil derricks belonging to RON Oil or LTD Oil.

Buy some stock in AugeryInsurance (AUG), then damage and destroy a bunch of cars, and the stock price should increase.

When a mission objective includes destroying a corporation’s asset or reputation, make sure you buy stock in their competitor before completing the objective.

Listen to talk radio stations to hear about stock tips. When you hear about a stock tip, immediately invest in that company to make a profit.

While playing as as Franklin, you can do assassination missions for Lester. Before completing one of the assassination missions below, switch to each character, and invest all your money in the listed company. That company will benefit from the assassination you are about to perform, and your stock in that company will greatly increase in value. Note: Do not sell your stocks right after the assassinations. Wait for three days after each assassination, and then sell them. You should make well over 75% profit off the stock. To make a lot of money, wait until you have accumulated a large amount of money at the end of the game before completing the assassination missions so you can earn a lot more in profits off the stocks.

Free vehicle repair

While in a damaged vehicle, switch to a different character, and then immediately switch back to have that vehicle completely repaired.

To repair any damaged vehicle for free, simply save the game, then reload the saved game, and the vehicle will be completely repaired.

Drive to your purchased garage, and store the damaged vehicle. Then, exit the garage with another vehicle, re-enter it, and take your previously damaged vehicle. It will now be completely fixed.

While playing as Franklin, you will eventually have the option to purchase a Los Santos Customs shop. Once you purchase it, all repairs and upgrades to vehicles will be free.

Easy max shooting and strength skills

To easily level up the strength and shooting skill stats to 100 in approximately ten minutes, use the following trick. First, buy a lot of pistol ammunition, and then find a bus. Jump on top of the bus, and stomp on it while it is moving. Make sure to move back and forth or you will fall off after stomping. Once your strength is at 100, shoot the middle of the bus until your shooting skill is at 100. The bus should be able to take all the bullets without being destroyed.

Easy max stealth skill

For every minute you spend walking in Stealth mode, you will earn one point towards the stealth skill. Thus, put a rubberband around both Analog-sticks on your controller to automatically walk around while in Stealth mode. Then, leave the game for approximately 100 minutes, and your stealth skill stat should be maxed out.

Easy races

During the countdown sequence in a race, hold LB while unarmed to start driving. Use this glitch to get a head start and finish in first place more easily.

Easy exotic/super car

Go to the following location in Rockford Hills to find an exotic/super car. An exotic/super car will always spawn in this location. The Truffade Adder (Bugatti Veyron) super car is the most frequent to spawn at this location. It is also the fastest car in GTA V .

Easy Cheetah, Infernus, and Voltic car spawn location

Go to the following location . The Coil Voltic, Grotti Infernus, Pegassi Cheetah, and other exotic/super cars often spawn at that location.

Getting the Canins Mesa

The Canins Mesa is a rare and unique off-road vehicle that cannot be purchased in GTA V . You are not actually supposed to be able to acquire the vehicle. Use the following trick to own the vehicle. During “The Wrap Up” mission, you will be given access to a Canins Mesa to escape a shootout. However, do not drive it on the road. Take a left down the hill to another road. There will be a helicopter chasing you, but you should be able to outrun it. You need to reach Michael’s four vehicle garage. Park the Canins Mesa in the garage, and then use a different vehicle to complete “The Wrap Up” mission. Once the Canins Mesa has been saved, you can also modify it.

Getting the mini-gun

Go to Fort Zancudo military base. After entering the base, go right at the first intersection, then go to the radio tower (tall) building on the right side of the street. Enter the base of the building, turn left, and go through the double doors straight down the hallway to use the stairs. Go to the top floor. The mini-gun is inside a room on the top floor. Once you collect the mini-gun, it will be saved to your inventory, even if you die. The mini-gun is extremely powerful. You can purchase more ammunition for it at Ammu-Nation stores. Note: When you enter the military base, you will encounter a lot of resistance. However, once you enter the radio tower building, you will be safe from the tanks and gunfire.

Getting scuba gear

You cannot carry scuba gear around like it is an item. When you jump out of either the submarine or Zodiak Boat (Dinghy) into water, you will automatically be wearing the scuba gear. The following are the locations of the submarine and Zodiak Boat (Dinghy):

Unlocking Packie McReary

To unlock Packie McReary to add to your crew for heists, simply visit him at the following location in Los Santos to get him to join your crew.

Unlocking sea and street races

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To do the Speedophile (sea) races, you must have completed the “Hood Safari” mission and have a Speedophile Seashark jet ski as your vehicle. To do the street racing, you must be playing as Franklin and have completed the “Shift Work” Strangers and Freaks mission.

Parachute location

The parachute can be found at the beginning of the game next to the cable car on top of Mount Chiliad in the far north-western area of the map.

Full map

Click here to view a full map of San Andreas in Grand Theft Auto V .

All collectible locations

Click here to view a full map in GTA V with all 180 collectibles (letter scraps, nuclear waste barrels, spaceship parts, stunt jumps, and Strangers and Freaks missions) and 12 hidden packages. 11 of the 12 hidden packages are in the ocean. You will get between $8,000 and $25,000 for each package collected. You get $150,000 for collecting all 12 hidden packages. The packages also respawn each time you switch characters or save the game, allowing you to get as much money as desired by placing two characters at hidden package locations and continuing to switch between them.

Stealing a fighter jet

Go to Fort Zancudo with Franklin, and break into the base using a fast car (planes are likely to get shot down). Enter the base through the gate that runs off the main highway on the west side of the map. Immediately before you drive through the gates of the base, use Franklin’s special ability to slow down time as long as possible. This will stop your wanted level from increasing to four stars for as long as it is activated, which gives you a little more time to reach the fighter jet and steal it. Try to steal a fighter jet with an open cockpit inside or right outside a hangar, as it will reduce the amount of time it takes to get the jet off the ground. It is recommended you do not try to steal a jet that is out in the open.

Stealing a private jet

Take a vehicle to Los Santos International Airport, and drive through the gates to reach the runway. Then, quickly look for a jet to steal. Once you are around the runway, your wanted level will increase. Thus, you must find and steal the jet quickly.

Stealing a tank

Go to Fort Zancudo with Franklin, and break into the base using a fast car (planes are likely to get shot down). Enter the base through the gate that runs off the main highway on the west side of the map. Immediately before you drive through the gates of the base, use Franklin’s special ability to slow down time as long as possible. This will stop your wanted level from increasing to four stars for as long as it is activated, which gives you a little more time to reach the tank and steal it. Find a tank on base, climb on top of it, and throw the person out of it to steal it.

Reducing wanted level

Successfully complete a mission to instantly clear your accumulated wanted level.

A simple way to lose a wanted level is to drive into any Mod Shop, and change the color of your car. As long as the police do not see you drive into the building, you will instantly lose the current wanted level.

Since police first call in the make of your vehicle, you can switch vehicles to help you lose line-of-sight with the police.

Losing the police

While the cops are chasing you, drive on train tracks, and they will not follow you.

To lose the police during a chase, press Right while driving a truck to detach its trailer. This can be used to block off alleyways or tight streets during a pursuit.

You can hide from the police in larger bushes. To confirm you are positioned and hiding in the bushes correctly, the arrow that represents your character on the map will turn grey while you are in the bushes.

Another method to losing the police is going to Los Santos airport and getting in a helicopter or jet. Your wanted level will increase when doing this, but the cops will not be able to follow an aircraft.

Losing police helicopters

At Wanted Level 3 or higher, police helicopters will begin chasing you. Avoiding helicopters will make escaping much easier. Underground tunnels and subways, underpasses, or bridges will help break the line-of-sight with helicopters. Otherwise, use a rocket launcher to shoot down the helicopter before making your escape in a vehicle.

Robbing stores

To rob any store that is open for business, walk far enough into the store so the door closes behind you. Then, start walking back out of the store, but stop once your character is halfway out the door (the door must be open and swung outside, not inside). This will allow you to equip a weapon. Point it at the store clerk, and you should be able to walk back into the store with it drawn and rob the store. Shoot the register(s) in the store, and they should open and money bags will appear. After robbing the store, you can go a few blocks away and return to rob the store again.

No wanted level at Fort Zancudo and other places

Fort Zancudo is the US Army and Air Force base in GTA V . It is located around the middle of the map on the west coast. You normally get an instant 3-star wanted level for entering the base. However, there is a way to enter the base and other locations you are not supposed to enter without getting a wanted level or encountering any resistance. Start the second hunting side mission called “Fair Game”. After you have killed three elk, Cletus will leave, and you are supposed to finish the mission. Instead of completing the mission, go to Fort Zancudo, and no alarms will go off, and you will not get a wanted level. You can now steal the fighter jet or other vehicles and aircrafts on the base without any resistance and store them in your garage. Note: Make sure to not fail the mission by making a lot of noise and scaring the elk. You can also use this glitch to explore other areas of the map where you normally would encounter resistance and get a wanted level.

This trick requires that the “Three’s Company” mission has been successfully completed. Replay the “Three’s Company” mission. Reach the end of the mission where you need to fly back to the starting point (after destroying some helicopters). When you are able to switch to Trevor and fly anywhere on the map, you can go to the Fort Zancudo military base or prison, and you will not encounter any resistance. You can actually shoot people at the military base or prisoners at the prison, and they will not do anything. The base alarm will go off, but nothing else will happen. Note: Do not go too far from the helicopter or the mission will fail.

Avoiding wanted level at airport

To avoid getting a wanted level when you enter the airport, purchase a plane hangar.

Skipping missions

If you fail a mission several times in a row, an option will eventually appear to skip it.

Disabling car alarms

You can usually disable a car alarm by pressing Start and displaying the pause menu. Additionally, sometimes honking the horn will stop a car alarm.

Using Franklin’s special ability while driving with any character

To use Franklin’s special ability (slowing down time) with any character while driving, simply hold open the radio wheel. The time will be slower than when using Franklin’s ability, but all driving controls will still be functional.

Getting characters to drive themselves

If you want to get a character from one place in Los Santos to another place that is far away, while playing as that character, set a new waypoint on the map, then switch to a different character. While playing as the new character, the other character will drive to the marked waypoint.

“Children Of The Mountain” mission solutions

At a certain point during the game, you will need a password to access to the “” in-game website. This will happen when Franklin receives a mysterious “My Divine Within” text. It is part of the “Children Of The Mountain” mission. The password to the website is “futility”. Additionally, later in the mission-line, you will need to answer a word puzzle. The answers are as follows: Divine, Completeness, Orthodoxy, Process, Realization.

Ammu-Nation assistance

When the cops are after you and you are near an Ammu-Nation shop, go inside, and the store owner may pull out a carbine and kill some of the cops for you.

Turning Michael into Walter White

Purchase or unlock the following clothes and customization items to transform Michael De Santa into Walter White from Breaking Bad . Buy the Pale Amethyst Sweater ($1,300) and Sand Leather Shoes ($580) at Ponsonbys; Brown Pants at Suburban for $95; Black-Rimmed Glasses at Binco Clothing for $45; and “Beard – Long Stubbed” at the barber for $30. Unlock the “Haircut – Bald Head” by registering for the Rockstar Social Club , and linking it to your Xbox Live account. Michael will look very similar to Walter White/Heisenberg once all of these clothes and customizations have been applied to him.

Getting Trevor a bald haircut

Go to the Bob Mulét hair salon in Rockford Hills, and select the “Clean Razor” option. This is the only barber shop where you can completely shave Trevor’s head (bald).

Showing body armor

Wear a normal t-shirt with body armor, and the body armor will show through the t-shirt.

Naked hillbilly

In Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, go to the hillbilly compound at the following waypoint location . There will be a naked hillbilly sitting on the porch, or he will run out of one of the houses to attack you. Note: The hillbillies will attack you when you enter this compound.

Keeping empty space in garage

It is recommended you always keep an empty space in at least one of your purchased garages. If you happen to find a rare vehicle and want to save it but already have four vehicles in the garage, you will need to remove one. However, when you load your garage to remove a vehicle, the rare vehicle will disappear.

Flipping people off

While in a car, select “Unarmed” from your weapon wheel. Then, press LB to give the middle finger. Note: You can see this feature better in a convertible car or on a bike.


To fall on your butt, press X to jump, and while you are in mid-air, press B.

Bigfoot Easter Egg

During the “Predator” mission, you will chase two enemies through the forest. Eventually, you will reach a yellow ring, and it will switch to Michael in the helicopter with a sniper rifle. Use the rifle’s thermal scope, and aim down and right to see a slightly fatter thermal signature in the forest. Switch off the scope to get a good look at Bigfoot Note: Bigfoot only appears for a short amount of time. Thus, you need to find him quickly.

Crashed UFO Easter Egg

Use a submarine, and go to the ocean floor at the following location at the far northern edge of the map to see a crashed UFO.

Flying UFOs Easter Eggs

Get a 100% completion in GTA 5 , then go to the wooden platform (“Come back when your story is complete” is engraved on the back of the wooden platform) at the top of Mount Chiliad at 3 a.m. while it is raining, and a UFO will appear. It is recommended you go to the top of Mount Chiliad around 2 a.m., and use the “Change weather” cheat code to cycle the weather to rain before the in-game time reaches 3 a.m. It says “FIB” on the UFO, which probably indicates it is not an alien UFO.

Get a 100% completion in GTA V , then fly a helicopter to full altitude exactly above the following location at Fort Zancudo military base. Next, descend straight down until a UFO appears. It is more advanced than the UFO that appears at Mount Chiliad. It is completely black and makes electronic noises. It will turn the screen blurry and power down your helicopter if you get too close to it. Note: It may be difficult to find the UFO, as it has a cloaking screen that makes it completely invisible until you get close to it.

Get a 100% completion in GTA V , then fly a helicopter to full altitude above the following location at Sandy Shores. The UFO found at this location is the exact same UFO that can be seen at the top of Mount Chiliad.

Ice Alien Easter Egg

During the police chase in the tutorial, do not follow the instructions, and instead go off the road. Before reaching the bridge, drive to the frozen river below. Directly under the bridge is an alien encased in ice.

No Country For Old Men Easter Egg

Go to the following location in Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness near the Fort Zancudo military base. You may come across a random event where you will find a clearing in the desert with some bullet-ridden trucks and dead or dying drug dealers. Further down a hill, you will find two more dying drug dealers and a silver case full of cash. This is similar to the scene where Josh Brolin’s character finds a case full of money in the movie No Country For Old Men Note: If you do not get the random event to happen, quick save the game, reload it, and then go back to the location again. Repeat this until the random event occurs.

Playboy Mansion Easter Egg

Go to the following location in Little Seoul to visit Los Santos’ version of the Playboy mansion. It includes the backyard grotto with pool and hot tubs. When it is visited at night, there will be a party going on in the back.

Secret Ghost Easter Egg

Go to the following location at the peak of Mount Gordo between 11:00 p.m. and midnight to see a ghost appear above a rock with the name “Jock” written in blood. If you get too close, the ghost will disappear. You can get a good view of the ghost using the scope on your sniper rifle. It is believed the ghost is Jolene Cranley-Evans, and her husband is suspected of pushing her off the cliff. Her husband was Jock Cranley, who moved to Los Santos to become a famous stuntman and is currently running for senator of San Andreas. He is referenced during one of Trevor’s Strangers and Freaks missions. During the mission, you must steal celebrity items for a man named Nigel. When Trevor encounters Nigel, Nigel mistakes him for Jock, and continues to do so until Nigel’s missions with Trevor end.

Secret map message

On the back of the exclusive Special Edition map, a secret message will appear when put under a UV light. The message reads as follows:

There are also additional secrets listed on the Special Edition map when put under a UV light.

Culture Club reference

While playing as Franklin, there is a side mission where you meet up with Beverly (the photographer), and he tells you that some people want to make a reality show about what he does as a celebrity photographer. On the wall next to where Beverly is, there is text that reads “Karma: It’s A Chameleon”. This is a reference to the band Culture Club and their 1983 single Kharma Chameleon .

Dead Island reference

You can find billboards in GTA 5 advertising “Rehab Island”, which feature a logo very similar to that from Dead Island .

Dead Rising reference

During a radio commercial, they say the people of Los Santos are taking drugs like crazy. They then begin to list some drugs, and one of them is called Zombix. This is a reference to the Zombrex drug in the Dead Rising series.

Gangnam Style reference

When you purchase the Downtown Cab Co., you will eventually get a mission to pick up and drop off a Korean pop singer called Kwack. He will complain that everyone calls him Quack. He will also say he made millions off a music video of him and a few strippers dancing around doing jockey like dance moves around a horse. This is a reference to the Gangnam Style song by PSY.

Grand Theft Auto 2 and 3 reference

In the sports car heist mission, Franklin must get an old car called the Z-Type. That was the car driven by the Zaibatsu Corporation in GTA 2 , and a luxury car in GTA 3 .

Grand Theft Auto 4 references

Brucie Kibbutz from Grand Theft Auto 4 returns to Grand Theft Auto 5 on Bleeper (GTA’s equivalent to Twitter). Niko Bellic’s old friend Packie McReary also returns to GTA 5 . Franklin can help him during a heist, and he will join your crew for the remainder of the game.

One of Franklin’s friends on his LifeInvader page is “Nicholas Bell”. This is a reference to “Niko Bellic”, GTA 4’s protagonist.

While at Michael’s home, zoom into Jimmy when he is using his laptop at the dinner table to see him viewing the LifeInvader profile for Niko Bellic.

One of the movies you can watch at the cinema shows the beating heart inside the Happiness Island statue that appeared in GTA IV .

During the intermission sequence for the mission where you have to extract Mr. K from the IAA and rappel down, the woman holding the flashlight is Michelle (Niko’s first girlfriend) from Grand Theft Auto 4 .

In the first mission for setting up the jewelry heist, when Lester is telling Michael that all the old crew is gone, he mentions a eastern European guy from Liberty City.

At the end of the “Monkey Business” mission, the guy in the suit with glasses who works for the lab that you are stealing from tells the guards to detain the FIB agent, who shoots himself in the leg to cover for his friends, is the same person known as Edward T. Fortune that gives Niko the information he seeks in return for him doing missions for the United Liberty Paper in Grand Theft Auto 4 . He also appears later in “The Wrap Up” mission. He shows up during the stand off between De Santa, Haines, Norton, and Agent Sanchez, alongside several IAA agents.

In “The Paleto Score” mission, the four characters (Franklin, Michael, Trevor, and whomever you chose as a crew member) will talk about there first big score. If you chose Patrick “Packie” McReary, he will talk about his first big score being the Bank of Liberty City. He will list two names, and after each will say “God rest his soul”, then he says something like “…and my friend Niko who is probably dead.”

Johnny Klebitz from The Lost And Damned DLC accuses Trevor of sleeping with his girlfriend, Ashley.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas references

The early setting of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas returns in GTA V . The familiar cul-de-sac of Grove Street (the gang affiliated with Carl Johnson, the main protagonist in GTA: San Andreas ) also has a presence in Los Santos. It is located not too far from Franklin’s house and features graffiti in the green of CJ’s old gang. However, a different gang occupies this version of the street.

On one of the buildings in Grand Theft Auto V , you can see graffiti stating, “WELCOME BACK. We missed you last time.” that welcomes players back to the sandbox of San Andreas after leaving for Liberty City in GTA IV .

Some old friends from GTA: San Andreas are referenced in Franklin’s place. Look in the bedroom to find a poster for Mad Dog. Look on the floor to see that OG Loc made it with his own album.

While you are driving to Grove Street during the “Urban Safari” mission, you will see three men riding bikes down that street. This is a reference to the first mission of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas .

During the “Urban Safari” mission, Franklin, Lamar, and Trevor will go to the Grove Street area to make a drug deal. The house they go to belongs to CJ’s brother, Sweet Johnson.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City references

Go to the Chinese theatre just west of where Michael can buy the Doppler Cinema in Downtown Vinewood. One of the sidewalk stars directly in front of there has the name Candy Suxxx on it, who was the famous adult film actress in GTA: Vice City .

The main property management mission Michael must complete after buying the Doppler Cinema includes using a plane to drop flyers from above to advertise the theatre. This was also a mission Tommy Vercetti had to complete in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City .

L.A. Noire reference

Elysian Fields Co., the villainous construction company embroiled in the highway conspiracy in L.A. Noire appears in Los Santos. L.A. Noire obviously takes place in Los Angeles. GTA 5’s Los Santos is a fictionalized version of L.A.

Lethal Weapon 2 reference

Towards the end of a mission, Franklin and Michael tie the back of their stolen vehicle to the underside pole of a cheating tennis coaches house. Michael then uses the vehicle to pull the house down like Riggs did in Lethal Weapon 2 .

Max Payne 3 references

In the Suburban store you visit during the “Friend Request” mission, one of the shirt stalls allows you to buy the parrot tropical shirt, which is similar to the one worn by Max Payne in Max Payne 3 .

If you give Michael a light scruffy beard and have him wear his grey suit, he will look similar to how Max Payne looked at the beginning of Max Payne 3 .

Michael and Max Payne share the same special ability to activate bullet-time (slow-motion).

Pee Wee’s Big Adventure reference

During a Barry mission while playing as Trevor, you must fight some clowns. While fighting the clowns, the music playing in the background is from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure clown scene.

Red Dead Redemption references

Search Franklin’s bookshelves to find a book titled “Red Dead”, authored by J. Marston. In Red Dead Redemption , Jack Marston mentioned that he was going to write a book about his father and the Wild West.

There are two locations in Grand Theft Auto V called “Cholla Springs Ave” and “Armadillo Ave” that can be found in the rural area of the map. This is a reference to Red Dead Redemption’s Armadillo Town and the surrounding region of Cholla Springs.

There is a farm south of the prison that looks exactly like John Marston’s farm in Red Dead Redemption .

All Knife Flight locations

Go to the indicated locations to complete all 15 Knife Flight aerial challenges in GTA 5 . Completing all 15 Knife Flight challenges is part of the requirement to getting the “Close Shave” achievement, and also counts towards 100% game completion. First, get a fighter jet from Ford Zancudo. You can complete all 15 Knife Flight aerial challenges with it. Alternatively, you can use a stunt airplane (they occasionally land at the airport in the desert). To learn how Knife Flights work, visit the Flight School at Los Santos Airport. You may also want to max out the “Flying” attribute for one of your characters to have more control over the aircraft. If your aircraft gets badly damaged, quick save the game, and immediately reload the game to repair it. It is also recommended you quick save the game before attempting the harder Knife Flight stunts.

All hidden package locations

Search the indicated locations to find all 12 hidden packages in Grand Theft Auto V :

All letter scrap locations

Click here to view a full map in GTA V with all 50 letter scrap locations. Search the indicated locations to find all 50 letter scraps in GTA V . Collect all of them to get the “A Mystery, Solved” achievement. They are also required to get 100% game completion. The letter scraps can be collected at any time, even at the beginning of the story. Unlike some of the other GTA V collectibles, there are no special requirements or side missions necessary to make them appear. You can also collect them with different characters. The letter scraps are small, glowing pieces of paper. Some of them can only be reached by using a helicopter. You can easily get a helicopter from the South Los Santos hospital helipad, or the Sandy Shores helipad. After collecting all 50 letter scraps, you must go to the green “Killer” question mark while playing as Franklin to meet Leonora Johnson’s killer (Dreyfuss). You must kill him to get the “A Mystery, Solved” achievement.

All nuclear waste locations

Click here to view a full map in Grand Theft Auto V with all 30 nuclear waste collectible locations. Search the indicated locations to find all 30 nuclear waste collectibles in Grand Theft Auto V . Collect all of them to get the “Waste Management” achievement. To collect them, you must buy the Sonar Collections Dock while playing as Michael. This property can be bought after completing “The Merryweather Heist” story mission. The dock costs $250,000. You need to pick up the waste with the submarine. The submarine always spawns at the dock. Most of the nuclear waste is at the bottom of the ocean. When buying the docks, you will get a new app called “Trackify”. The app starts automatically when entering the submarine, and provides a radar that points to the next collectible. The order in the video below matches with the order of the Trackify app. However, the app will not mark any of the waste on your in-game world map. Sometimes a barrel of waste is miles away on a different part of the coast. The submarine is also very slow. If you collect all 30 barrels of nuclear waste in one run, it will take approximately two hours. Additionally, by collecting all of the nuclear waste, it will help to further uncover the ocean map, and you will get a lot of money. You get $32,000 per barrel of nuclear waste collected, and a $250,000 bonus after finding the final one.

All spaceship part locations

Click here to view a full map in Grand Theft Auto V with all 50 spaceship part locations. Search the indicated locations to find all 50 spaceship parts in GTA V . Collect all of them to get the “From Beyond The Stars” achievement. They are also required to get a 100% game completion. First, you must start the “Far Out” side mission to make the spaceship parts appear. This side mission becomes available after completing the “Fame Or Shame” story mission. The spaceship parts are small, glowing objects that emit a vibration sound when you get close. Some of them can only be reached by using a helicopter. You can easily get a helicopter from the South Los Santos hospital helipad, or the Sandy Shores helipad. After collecting all 50 spaceship parts, you must return them to Omega to get the “From Beyond The Stars” achievement.

All stunt jump locations

Open the internet browser on your in-game cell phone, and go to “” to see the locations of all 50 stunt jumps. Alternately, click here to view a full map in GTA 5 with all 50 stunt jump locations. Go to the indicated locations in the video below to perform all 50 stunt jumps (monster stunts) in GTA 5 . Successfully complete all 50 stunt jumps to get the “Show Off” achievement. They are also required to get a 100% game completion. It is best to do them while playing as Franklin. You can trigger his special ability to slow down time while driving. This will become very useful for lots of the stunt jumps. The best vehicle for the monster stunts is the Pegassi Bati 801 motorbike. You can do pretty much every stunt with it. However, some stunts are easier to do with a sports car. If you are stuck at a stunt, use the same type of vehicle that is shown in the video. You must always land in a specific area, or even a specific spot to complete the stunt jump. If you drive too fast, or too slow, you might miss the target area and the stunt will fail. A good trick to use is to quick save the game before every stunt jump. After loading the saved game, you will be sitting in your car (or on your bike) at the exact same spot where you saved the game. This allows you to never lose any progress if you die or destroy your vehicle.

All Under The Bridge locations

Go to the indicated locations to complete all 50 Under The Bridge aerial challenges in Grand Theft Auto 5 . Completing all 50 Under The Bridge challenges is part of the requirement to getting the “Close Shave” achievement, and also counts towards 100% game completion. First, get a Maverick helicopter from the South Los Santos hospital helipad. If the Maverick does not spawn, go down to the street, and then back to the helipad again. You can complete all 50 Under The Bridge aerial challenges with that helicopter. Most of them are pretty easy, but there are a few hard ones. You may also first want to max out the “Flying” attribute for one of your characters. You can do that by completing the Flight School at Los Santos Airport. If your helicopter gets badly damaged, quick save the game, and immediately reload the game to repair it. It is also recommended you quick save the game before attempting the harder Under The Bridge challenges. Note: To make a challenge count, you cannot touch the ground or any part of the bridge at all while flying under it. If done correctly, you will be notified and a collectible tracker will appear on the screen.

Strangers and Freaks mission locations

Go to the indicted location after completing the listed requirement to find the corresponding Strangers and Freaks mission. Strangers and Freaks are optional side missions scattered throughout San Andreas that feature encounters with crazy and unusual characters. Successfully completing many of these missions will unlock other missions and collectibles. There are a total of 58 Strangers and Freaks missions. Note: All Strangers and Freaks first appear as a colored “?” on the map; their color corresponds to a specific playable character. Once a week of in-game time has passed, they will sometimes reappear for a second mission.

Franklin’s missions









Michael’s missions





Trevor’s missions



Minute Men





Getting 100% completion

You do not have to complete every task and mission in GTA V to get a 100% completion. Successfully complete the following tasks in GTA 5 to get a 100% completion:

Part 1

Successfully complete all 69 main missions in Story mode. The following is a list of all main missions in Story mode for Franklin, Michael, and Trevor:

Part 2

Successfully complete 42 of 59 hobbies and pastimes. Hobbies and pastimes are optional side missions scattered throughout San Andreas. Many of the hobbies and pastimes are unlocked through Strangers and Freaks missions. The following is a list of the hobbies and pastimes that count towards a 100% completion in Grand Theft Auto 5 :

The following is a list of the hobbies and pastimes that do not count towards a 100% completion in Grand Theft Auto V :

Part 3

Successfully complete 20 of 58 Strangers and Freaks missions. Strangers and Freaks are optional side missions scattered throughout San Andreas that feature encounters with crazy and unusual characters. Successfully completing many of these missions will unlock other missions and collectibles. The following is a list of all 58 Strangers and Freaks missions:

Part 4

Successfully complete 14 of 57 random events. Random events are encounters and short missions that randomly spawn throughout San Andreas. Random events often allow you to make a choice about whether to help or hurt another person. The following is a list of all 57 random events:

Part 5

Successfully complete 16 miscellaneous missions. The following is a list of 16 miscellaneous missions that count towards getting a 100% completion:

Competing companies

The following is a list of competing companies in GTA V :

BAWSAQ stock ticker symbols

The following is a list of companies on the BAWSAQ and their stock ticker symbols:

LCN stock ticker symbols

The following is a list of companies on the LCN and their stock ticker symbols:

Websites list

Open the internet browser on your in-game cell phone, and type one of the following in-game website addresses:

Cell phone numbers

Most cell numbers lead to a busy signal, but occasionally an answering machine or someone will pick up. To enter a cell number, go to “Contacts”, and press A. If you enter phone number cheats from Grand Theft Auto 4 , you will hear a unique tone, including a dog whistle tone.

The following phone numbers lead to characters and businesses:

The following phone numbers lead to an answering machine for in-game characters and businesses:

The following phone numbers lead to various results:

The following phone numbers lead to a mysterious busy signal:

Easy “A Lot Of Cheddar” achievement

After completing the story, you should have approximately $20 million available. Open the internet browser, go to the “Money And Services” tab, and open the LCN stock exchange website. Then, invest all your money in stocks, and immediately sell them. You will not lose any money if you sell the stocks quick enough. Keep repeating this until you get the “A Lot Of Cheddar” achievement. Note: You can also do this earlier in the game with less money, but it will take longer. To view how much money you have already spent, go to “Cash” in the statistics of the pause menu.

Easy “All’s Fare In Love And War” achievement

Purchase the Downtown Cab Co. with Franklin. Wait for the manager to call you. He will ask you to complete a “special fare” for someone who specifically requested Franklin for the job. Successfully complete that special fare mission to get the “All’s Fare In Love And War” achievement.

Easy “Altruist Acolyte” achievement

Note: It is possible to not get the “Altruist Acolyte” achievement if you deliver all people from random events to their target destination instead of the Altruist Cult. Only Trevor can deliver people to the Altruist Cult. It will not work with the other two characters. You will have multiple chances to get this achievement. It can be obtained during any of the four random hitchhiker events. These events will occasionally show up as a blue dot on your mini-map when they are nearby. One hitchhiker can be found on the street at the southern foot of Mount Chiliad. The random events do not always show up, but have fixed locations. If you cannot find the hitchhiker, simply drive in another direction for a quarter mile, and then go back to the location. The event will eventually spawn if you keep doing this. Drive to the blue dot on the map, and wait until the hitchhiker gets into your car. Instead of going to the target destination, drive to the Altruist Cult. It is marked with a large “A” on your map, on the west side of Mount Chiliad. This symbol will only show up once the hitchhiker is in the car. Deliver the person to the cannibals of the cult to get the “Altruist Acolyte” achievement and some money.

Easy “Clean Sweep” achievement

Gang attacks can be encountered while free roaming in GTA Online . They are marked with a large red circle on the mini-map. There are several that can be completed. Start a gang attack at one of those locations, and kill ten of the attackers without dying to get the “Clean Sweep” achievement.

Easy “Close Shave” achievement

Go to the flight school and start the “Loop The Loop” challenge with any character that has it unlocked. Once you hit the first checkpoint, you can fly freely around the map. If you die, the game will resume in the challenge, without the need to get another plane or load a quicksave.

Easy “Kifflom!” achievement

Note: This can only be done while playing as Michael. The Epsilon quest line is the most time consuming in GTA V . It becomes available as soon as you unlock Michael as a playable character. Follow the step-by-step walkthrough below to learn how to trigger the missions. You will also need to have at least $90,500 with Michael. Certain donations have to be made, and an expensive outfit has to be bought. However, completing all of “The Truth” Epsilon missions can earn you up to $2,100,000. In the last quest, you have the opportunity to earn $2.1 million and a gold medal. If you are specifically looking for the five Epsilon vehicle locations (as these are the hardest part of the quest line), go to 2:31 in the video below. All of these vehicles have fixed spawn points. They will spawn at the shown points every time.

Easy “Location Scout” achievement (“Rockstar Editor” DLC)

Start Director mode from single player, and choose any actor. Go to the “Location” option, and visit each of the following locations to get the “Location Scout” achievement. Note: The two user locations will not qualify.

Easy “Los Santos Customs” achievement

First, successfully complete the “Father/Son” story mission to unlock Los Santos Customs (car repair shop). You will also need quite a bit of money to fully upgrade a vehicle. Additionally, not all vehicles can be modified. Open the internet browser on your in-game cell phone, and go to “”. Buy the Weeny Issi for $18,000, and retrieve it from your garage. Then, go to Los Santos Customs, and buy the following upgrades:

Once you have all of those items, leave the shop to get the “Los Santos Customs” achievement, as it will not unlock while you are in the shop.

Easy “Multi-Disciplined” achievement

There are a total of six hobbies and pastimes (Shooting Range, Flight School, Offroad Race, Sea Race, Street Race, and Triathlon) in GTA 5 . You only need to get one gold medal for each type of activity to get the “Multi-Disciplined” achievement. All of them become available automatically by completing story missions. The shooting range is probably the hardest to get a gold medal in. You will have to get a certain number of points within a time limit. Shoot quickly and always hit the yellow center area of the targets. In the flight school, you just need to beat a simple time limit in the first tutorial. In races and triathlon, you need to finish first to get a gold medal. Street races become available by completing Hao’s side mission. However, the mission requires you to get a gold medal in a street race. Thus, you will not need to complete any further races to get the “Multi-Disciplined” achievement. Note: Hao’s side mission only becomes available from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. while playing as Franklin, and is shown as a question mark on the map. For the other hobbies and pastimes, you can choose any desired character.

Easy “Out Of Your Depth” achievement

Sharks spawn randomly in deep water. Go out into the ocean with a boat or jet ski, and watch the mini-map until it turns completely dark blue. Keep driving around until you see a red dot on the radar, which indicates a shark. Then, jump into the water, and wait until it kills you. It may take some time if the shark does not see you right away. Once you have been killed by the shark, you will get the “Out Of Your Depth” achievement. Additionally, sometimes the shark will even attack and destroy the boat or jet ski, which will also give you the achievement.

Easy “San Andreas Sightseer” achievement

To get the “San Andreas Sightseer” achievement, you must explore a minimum of 95% of the map in Single Player mode. Fly a jet at a high altitude. Start by flying over the entire offshore part of the island. Follow the edge of the underwater landmass on the mini-map, which is represented by light color before it becomes very deep ocean. Next, make passes to fill in the area between the furthest offshore parts and the landmass. After exploring the map area that is water, fly inland and pass over all the parts that are unexplored.

Easy “Three Man Army” achievement

First, complete the “Mr. Philips” story mission to unlock Trevor as a playable character. Then, call the other two playable characters with your in-game cell phone. Pick them up with a four door car, and go to the Los Santos International Airport at the southern end of the map. Once you enter the airfield, you will immediately get a 3-star wanted level. Keep driving from one end of the airport to the other for three minutes while making sure not to lose the cops to get the “Three Man Army” achievement. To make this a little easier, upgrade your car with the bullet proof tires from the car repair shop. Note: It is possible to miss this achievement depending on the game ending you obtain. Thus, make sure to get it before the last five story missions.

Easy “Wanted: Alive Or Alive” achievement

Note: This can only be done while playing as Trevor. After completing the “Mr. Philips” story mission, there will be an orange question mark on the map at the northeast end of the desert. Go there to talk to Maude and unlock the bail bond side missions. Then, go back to your house, take a nap, and you should receive an e-mail with details about your target. You will need to go east to the “Davis Quartz” area. Once you locate the target, quickly shoot the tires of his car, and when he tries to run away, hurt him, but do not kill him. To hurt him, you can hit him with your car, but not too hard. You can also use the stun gun (can be bought at the gun shop). He will then enter your car automatically. Next, drive back to Maude. After turning over the bail bond target to Maude, you will get the “Wanted: Alive Or Alive” achievement. Note: It is possible to not get this achievement if you kill all bail bond targets instead of bringing them in alive. There are four bail bond targets. Thus, you will have four opportunities to get this achievement.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

Additionally, there are 11 secret achievements:

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The following achievements require the “Heists” bonus downloadable content:

Additionally, there are four secret achievements with the “Heists” bonus downloadable content:

The following achievements require the “Rockstar Editor” bonus downloadable content:

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