black version 2 cheats

black version 2 cheats

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is one of the most iconic entries in the Call of Duty franchise, offering a thrilling mix of multiplayer warfare, a gripping single-player campaign, and the ever-popular Zombies mode. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran of the series or a newcomer looking to get an edge, cheats, secrets, and unlockables can enhance your gaming experience. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular cheats for Black Ops 2, as well as tips to unlock special features, weapons, and abilities that will help you dominate the battlefield.

1. Unlocking Multiplayer Cheats and Secrets

While Black Ops 2 offers an extensive multiplayer mode, there are a number of hidden secrets and cheats that can make your multiplayer experience even more exciting.

Unlocking Secret Multiplayer Emblems

In Black Ops 2, there are several hidden emblems that you can unlock by performing specific actions. These emblems are not just for show; they can also serve as a testament to your skills or dedication in the game.

To unlock a variety of emblems, you will need to accomplish special tasks. Some of these tasks are difficult, while others require a bit of time and patience.

  • Beast Mode Emblem: To unlock the Beast Mode emblem, all you need to do is reach Prestige Level 10.
  • Gunslinger Emblem: This emblem is unlocked by getting 100 kills with every gun in the game.
  • Hunter Emblem: Unlock this emblem by completing a full match using only sniper rifles, achieving at least 5 kills in each match.

While these emblems are cosmetic, they serve as bragging rights and a way to show off your achievements.

Unlocking Weapon Camo Cheats

Weapons in Black Ops 2 come with an array of camouflage skins, many of which can be unlocked by completing challenges. Some of these camo skins are basic, while others are more exotic and eye-catching.

  • Gold Camo: Unlock this by completing all the challenges for a particular weapon. Once you’ve unlocked Gold Camo for a weapon, it will be available for all the weapons of the same class.
  • Diamond Camo: This is one of the most prestigious camouflages in the game. To unlock Diamond Camo for a particular weapon class (e.g., Assault Rifles, SMGs), you must first unlock Gold Camo for every weapon within that class.

These camo skins can give your weapons a unique look, and achieving them is a significant accomplishment for dedicated players.

2. Single-Player Cheats and Easter Eggs

The single-player campaign in Black Ops 2 is filled with moments of intense action and strategic decision-making. There are also several cheats and Easter eggs that can make the campaign even more exciting.

Unlocking the Secret Ending

One of the standout features of Black Ops 2 is its branching storyline, where player choices have a direct impact on the ending of the game. To unlock the secret or alternate endings, there are specific actions and choices you must make throughout the campaign.

The game offers multiple endings based on the choices you make in key missions. To achieve the “best” ending, you will need to complete various objectives, including rescuing key characters and stopping the main antagonist, Raul Menendez, in a timely manner.

However, for a more satisfying and secretive ending, players will need to complete specific actions in several missions, including:

  • Saving Harper: In one of the later missions, ensure that you keep Harper alive. This decision plays a major role in the final outcome.
  • Making the Right Choices During Missions: In specific missions, you will be given a choice between different objectives. Making the right decisions can lead to saving key characters or preventing disastrous events.

Achieving the secret or true ending in Black Ops 2 adds significant replay value, and unlocking it will leave players with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Easter Eggs in the Campaign

Like many other Call of Duty titles, Black Ops 2 is filled with Easter eggs and hidden references to popular culture, past games, and other in-game elements. Some of the most well-known Easter eggs are hidden within the campaign missions. These are often subtle and can be easy to miss if you’re not paying attention.

  • The Zombies Arcade Game: In the mission “Celerium,” players can discover a hidden arcade machine in one of the buildings. Playing it will take you to a mini-version of the Black Ops Zombies mode, a throwback to the earlier games in the series.
  • The Black Ops 1 Character References: In several campaign missions, you can find references to characters and events from the first Black Ops game, adding a nice touch for long-time fans of the series.

Unlocking Special Weapons in Single-Player

Throughout the campaign, players can unlock powerful weapons that will make combat easier. These weapons can be obtained by completing specific objectives, such as side missions or hidden collectibles.

  • Ray Gun: Unlockable through the Easter egg mentioned above, the Ray Gun is a fan-favorite weapon from the Zombies mode that makes a surprise appearance in the campaign. Use it wisely, as it’s powerful but scarce.
  • The Peacekeeper SMG: A DLC weapon that was available to players who pre-ordered the game, the Peacekeeper is known for its great performance and unique design. If you missed out on pre-ordering, there’s a chance to unlock it through special in-game challenges or by using downloadable content.

3. Zombies Mode Cheats and Tips

The Zombies mode in Black Ops 2 has become one of the most beloved parts of the game. This mode offers a unique multiplayer experience where players fight waves of the undead, trying to survive as long as possible. While there are no direct “cheats” for Zombies, there are several tips, tricks, and strategies that can help you survive longer and achieve better scores.

Unlocking Special Perks in Zombies

In Zombies, there are several perks that can give you a significant advantage in combat. These perks can be unlocked by completing specific objectives or surviving a certain number of waves. Some of the most powerful perks include:

  • Juggernog: This perk increases your health, making you much harder to kill. It’s essential for surviving higher rounds, especially when facing hordes of zombies.
  • Speed Cola: This perk reduces the time it takes to reload your weapons, which is a lifesaver when you’re overwhelmed by zombies.
  • Double Tap Root Beer: This perk doubles the fire rate of your weapons, making it easier to mow down zombies quickly.

These perks can be found in various maps, and unlocking them requires surviving waves and making strategic decisions on where and when to purchase them.

Easter Eggs and Hidden Secrets in Zombies Mode

In Zombies, Easter eggs are scattered throughout the maps, and completing these eggs unlocks secret features, powerful weapons, and hidden story elements. Some of the most famous Easter eggs in Black Ops 2’s Zombies mode include:

  • The Golden Spork: In the map “Mob of the Dead,” players can unlock the Golden Spork, one of the most powerful melee weapons in the game. To obtain it, you must complete several steps, including completing the main Easter egg of the map.
  • The Plane in Mob of the Dead: Another Easter egg in the “Mob of the Dead” map requires players to build a plane and escape the prison by flying out of it. Completing this Easter egg rewards you with a special ending and adds a new layer of challenge to the game.

Customizing Your Zombies Experience

Black Ops 2 allows players to customize their Zombies experience by creating custom loadouts. This feature is incredibly useful, as it allows you to choose your weapons and perks before entering the game. By customizing your loadout, you can tailor your strategy to your playstyle, whether you prefer running and gunning or a more cautious approach.

4. Conclusion: Cheats and Tips for the Ultimate Black Ops 2 Experience

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 offers a wide array of cheats, secrets, and unlockables that can enhance your gameplay, whether you’re tackling the campaign, multiplayer, or Zombies mode. By unlocking secret weapons, emblems, and hidden Easter eggs, players can gain an edge and enjoy a more rewarding gaming experience. Whether you’re looking for tips to survive longer in Zombies or want to unlock the best perks in multiplayer, Black Ops 2 provides plenty of opportunities to customize your game.

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