Pokemon Silver Version Cheats & Cheat Codes
Published: by Jazz Stewart | Leave a comment
In 1999 after the huge success of Pokemon, Game Freak and Nintendo got to work on a sequel. Pokemon Silver was released alongside Pokemon Gold as the second generation of Pokemon. Originally released in Japan on November 21, 1999, the game came to Australia and North America the following year. Europe received its release in 2001 and in 2009, a remake was released for the Nintendo DS. Pokemon Silver and Gold introduced 100 new Pokemon and are praised for their content. Some people even believe that Pokemon Gold and Silver are not only the best games in the series but some of the best games in that era of video game consoles.

The Premise Of Pokemon Silver
Pokemon Silver did not reinvent the wheel or try to shake up the formula. Instead, it opted to polish what came before it. The game is played from a third-person, top-down perspective, just like the games before it and most of the games after it. The main goal of the game stayed pretty much the same. Your goal is to defeat the Elite Four and Pokemon Master Lance to become the new Champion of the Johto Region. You’re also encouraged to capture, evolve, and trade Pokemon and obtain information on all 251 for your Pokedex. The game introduced many new quality-of-life changes to the Pokemon formula, specifically:
- The Day and Night System
- New Items and the ability to hold items for Pokemon
- More specialized Pokeballs
- The Pokegear
- Shiny Pokemon
- New Pokemon Types with Steel and Dark type.
- New Moves
- Pokemon Breeding

Pokemon Silver also introduced brand-new Pokemon such as:
- Chikorita
- Bayleef
- Meganium
- Cyndaquil
- Quilava
- Typhlosion
- Totodile
- Croconaw
- Feraligatr
- Sentret
- Furret
- Hoothoot
- Noctowl
- Ledyba
- Ledian
- Spinarak
- Ariados
- Crobat
- Chinchou
- Lanturn
- Pichu
- Cleffa
- Igglybuff
- Togepi
- Togetic
- Natu
- Xatu
- Mareep
- Flaaffy
- Ampharos
- Bellossom
- Marill
- Azumarill
- Sudowoodo
- Politoed
- Hoppip
- Skiploom
- Jumpluff
- Aipom
- Sunkern
- Sunflora
- Yanma
- Wooper
- Quagsire
- Espeon
- Umbreon
- Murkrow
- Slowking
- Misdreavus
- Unown
- Wobbuffet
- Girafarig
- Pineco
- Forretress
- Dunsparce
- Gligar
- Steelix
- Snubbull
- Granbull
- Qwilfish
- Scizor
- Shuckle
- Heracross
- Sneasel
- Teddiursa
- Ursaring
- Slugma
- Magcargo
- Swinub
- Piloswine
- Corsola
- Remoraid
- Octillery
- Delibird
- Mantine
- Skarmory
- Houndour
- Houndoom
- Kingdra
- Phanpy
- Donphan
- Porygon2
- Stantler
- Smeargle
- Tyrogue
- Hitmontop
- Smoochum
- Elekid
- Magby
- Miltank
- Blissey
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
- Larvitar
- Pupitar
- Tyranitar
- Lugia
- Ho-Oh
- Celebi
The Main Characters Of Pokemon Silver
- Ethan – Ethan is the main character in Pokémon Silver. He is the boy character that you can choose during Elm’s long speech. (Crystal Only)
- Professor Elm – Professor Elm is the first professor you meet in New Bark Town in the Johto Region. He introduces the 3 starter Pokémon you can choose from Totodile, Chikorita, and Cyndaquil. From there, he’ll wish you luck on your new adventure.
- Silver – You meet Silver in New Bark Town. You first see him staring into the professor’s lab at the starter Pokémon. Once you’ve left town, he makes his move and steals one of the starter Pokémon then has you battle him. At first, his name appears as ??? as you don’t know who he is. Silver is found out to be Giovanni’s son, a part of Team Rocket.
- Mom – Mom in these games plays a small role. She will offer to save some of your money that you win each battle. You can speak to her to withdraw the money from her.
- Team Rocket – Team Rocket is back! After Giovanni decided to disband this evil team, some of the members decided to continue this team. You’ll encounter these villains in the Goldenrod takeover and other events.
- Professor Oak – He’s back! You meet Professor Oak in Pallet Town to have him evaluate your Pokedex. He doesn’t do much in these games like in the previous game.

The Other Titles In The Series
- Pokémon Red and Blue (1996)
- Pokémon Yellow (1998)
- Pokémon Gold and Silver (1999)
- Pokémon Crystal (2000)
- Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (2002)
- Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (2004)
- Pokémon Emerald (2004)
- Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (2006)
- Pokémon Platinum (2008)
- Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver (2009)
- Pokémon Black and White (2010)
- Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (2012)
- Pokémon X and Y (2013)
- Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (2014)
- Pokémon Sun and Moon (2016)
- Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (2017)
- Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! (2018)
- Pokémon Sword and Shield (2019)
- Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (2021)
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus (2022)
- Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (2022)
Pokemon Silver Cheat Codes
In order to use the following codes on official hardware requires another piece of third-party hardware known as the GameShark. The GameShark alters the game’s code to allow for cheat codes however, there is a chance that gameshark will brick your cartridge, basically rendering it useless. This happened to me as a kid, and no I am not over it. With the absurd prices of official Pokemon cartridges, I would be aware of that risk at all time.
Game Shark Codes
When you enter this code change the XX to the ID of the place you want to go. For example, if you wanted to go to your house the code would be 0100EDCE.
The Base Code is 01XXEDCE
The ID codes (replace XX of the base code with these numbers):
- 00 Your House
- 01 Viridian City
- 02 Pallet Town
- 03 Viridian City
- 04 Pewter City
- 05 Cerulean City
- 06 Near the Power Plant
- 07 Vermilion City
- 08 Lavender Town
- 09 Saffron City
- 0A Celadon City
- 0B Fuchsia City
- 0C Cinnabar Island
- 0D Indigo Plateau
- 0E New Bark Town
- 0F Cherrygrove City
- 10 Violet City
- 11 Union Cave
- 12 Azalea Town
- 13 Cianwood City
- 14 Goldenrod City
- 15 Olivine City
- 16 Ecruteak City
- 17 Mahogany Town
- 18 Lake of Rage
- 19 Blackthorn City
- 1A Mt. Silver
- 1B S.S. Aqua
Hatch Eggs Faster
Make sure you choose the one that corresponds with the position of the egg you want to hatch and then be sure to disable it afterwards.
- First Pokémon – 010145DA
- Second Pokémon – 010175DA
- Third Pokémon – 0101A5DA
- Fourth Pokémon – 0101D5DA
- Fifth Pokémon – 010105DB
- Sixth Pokémon – 010135DB
All Gym Badges
The badges for Kanto code only works after you complete the first part of the game (the Johto Region).
Johto Badges – 01FF7CD5
Kanto Badges – 01FF7DD5
Unlimited Master Ball in PC
Entering this cheat will provide an unlimited number of master balls that you can sue without ever worrying about running out.
Code – 0101E2D2
Encounter Only Shiny Pokemon
This cheat makes every encounter a Shiny Pokemon until it is deactivated.
Code – 010719D1
Battle Gym Leaders Again
These codes allows you to rematch Gym Leaders repeatedly.
Get All Three Starting Pokemon
To get all starter Pokémon, you’ll need to enter this code as soon as the game begins. Before you enter Professor Elm’s lab for the first time, activate it, and once his dialogue begins, you can choose your first starting Pokémon. After choosing, walk over to the other Poke balls that contain the other starters and pick one, which will trigger the dialogue again. Repeat this with the last starter Pokémon, and you should have all three
Code – 0100BAD7
Unlimited Item Modifier
The First set of codes can only be used on a single item while the second is for unlimited items. You need to replace the Xs with the ID code of item you want and you can add them to a specific slot in your pack.
Set 1 Of Codes:
- 01XXBAD5
- 01XXBAD5
- 01XXBCD5
- 01XXBED5
- 01XXC0D5
- 01XXC2D5
- 01XXC4D5
- 01XXC6D5
- 01XXC8D5
- 01XXCAD5
- 01XXCCD5
- 01XXCED5
- 01XXD0D5
- 01XXD2D5
- 01XXD4D5
Set 2 Of Codes (Unlimited Codes Arrange From Slot 1 to 15 (Input Separately)):
- 0163B9D5
- 0163BBD5
- 0163BDD5
- 0163BFD5
- 0163C1D5
- 0163C3D5
- 0163C5D5
- 0163C7D5
- 0163C9D5
- 0163CBD5
- 0163CDD5
- 0163CFD5
- 0163D1D5
- 0163D3D5
- 0163D5D5
The Item IDs:
- 03 Bright Powder
- 07 Bike
- 08 Moon Stone
- 09 Antidote
- 0A Burn Heal
- 0B Ice Heal
- 0C Awakening
- 0D Paralyze Heal
- 0E Full Restore
- 0F Max Potion
- 10 Hyper Potion
- 11 Super Potion
- 12 Potion
- 13 Escape Rope
- 14 Repel
- 15 Max Elixer
- 16 Fire Stone
- 17 Thunder Stone
- 18 Water Stone
- 1A HP Up
- 1B Protein
- 1C Iron
- 1D Carbos
- 1E Lucky Punch
- 1F Calcium
- 20 Rare Candy
- 21 X Accuracy
- 22 Leaf Stone
- 23 Metal Powder
- 24 Nugget
- 25 Pokedoll
- 26 Full Heal
- 27 Revive
- 28 Max Revive
- 29 Guard Spec
- 2A Super Repel
- 2B Max Repel
- 2C Dire Hit
- 2E Fresh Water
- 2F Soda Pop
- 30 Lemonade
- 31 X Attack
- 33 X Defend
- 34 X Speed
- 35 X Special
- 36 Coin Case
- 37 Itemfinder
- 39 Exp Share
- 3A Old Rod
- 3B Good Rod
- 3C Silver Leaf
- 3D Super Rod
- 3E PP Up
- 3F Ether
- 40 Max Ether
- 41 Elixer
- 42 Red Scale
- 43 Secret Potion
- 44 S.S. Ticket
- 45 Mystery Egg
- 47 Silver Wing
- 48 MooMoo Milk
- 49 Quick Claw
- 4A PSNcureberry
- 4B Gold Leaf
- 4C Soft Sand
- 4D Sharp Beak
- 4E PRZcureberry
- 4F Burnt Berry
- 50 Ice Berry
- 51 Poison Barb
- 52 Kings Rock
- 53 Bitter Berry
- 54 Mint Berry
- 55 Red Apricorn
- 56 Tiny Mushroom
- 57 Big Mushroom
- 58 Silver Powder
- 59 Blue Apricorn
- 5B Amulet Coin
- 5C Yellow Apricorn
- 5D Green Apricorn
- 5E Cleanse Tag
- 5F Mystic Water
- 60 Twisted Spoon
- 61 White Apricorn
- 62 Blackbelt
- 63 Black Apricorn
- 65 Pink Apricorn
- 66 Black Glasses
- 68 Pink Bow
- 69 Stick
- 6A Smoke Ball
- 6B Nevermelt Ice
- 6C Magnet
- 6D Miracle Berry
- 6E Pearl
- 6F Big Pearl
- 70 Everstone
- 71 Spell Tag
- 72 Rage Candy Bar
- 75 Miracle Seed
- 76 Thick Club
- 77 Focus Band
- 79 Energy Powder
- 7A Energy Root
- 7B Heal Powder
- 7C Revival Herb
- 7D Hardstone
- 7E Lucky Egg
- 7F Card Key
- 80 Machine Part
- 82 Lost Item
- 83 Stardust
- 84 Star Piece
- 85 Basement Key
- 86 Pass
- 8A Charcoal
- 8B Berry Juice
- 8C Scope Lens
- 8F Metal Coat
- 90 Dragon Fang
- 92 Left Overs
- 96 Mystery Berry
- 97 Dragon Scale
- 98 Beserk Gene
- 9C Sacred Ash
- 9E Flower Mail
- A3 Light Ball
- A7 Normal Box
- A8 Gorgeous Box
- A9 Sun Stone
- AA Pokadot Bow
- AC Upgrade
- AD Berry
- AE Gold Berry
- AF Squirtbottle
- B2 Rainbow Wing
- B4 Brick Piece
- B5 Surf Mail
- B6 Little Blue Mail
- B7 Portrait Mail
- B8 Lovely Mail
- B9 Eon Mail
- BA Morph Mail
- BB Blue Sky Mail
- BC Music Mail
- BD Mirage Mail
- 01 Master Ball
- 02 Ultra Ball
- 04 Great Ball
- 05 Poke Ball
- 9D Heavy Ball
- 9F Level Ball
- A0 Lure Ball
- A1 Fast Ball
- A4 Friend Ball
- A5 Moon Ball
- A6 Love Ball
- B1 Park Ball
Walk Through Walls
Self explanatory. Be careful not to try and walk over water because it cause crash the game.
- 0108A3CE
- 0108A4CE
- 0108A5CE
- 0108A6CE
TM & HM Modifier
Allows you to acquire a specific TM or HM. Replace the XX with the ID of the TM or HM.
The Base Code – 0163XXD5
ID Codes:
- 71 TM 01 Dynamic Punch
- 72 TM 02 Headbutt
- 73 TM 03 Curse
- 74 TM 04 Roll Out
- 75 Tm 05 Roar
- 76 TM 06 Toxic
- 77 TM 07 Horn Drill
- 78 TM 08 Rock Smash
- 79 TM 09 Psych Up
- 7A TM 10 Hidden Power
- 7B TM 11 Sunny Day
- 7C TM 12 Sweet Scent
- 7D TM 13 Snore
- 7E TM 14 Blizzard
- 7F TM 15 Hyper Beam
- 80 TM 16 Icy Wind
- 81 TM 17 Protect
- 82 TM 18 Rain Dance
- 83 TM 19 Giga Drain
- 84 TM 20 Endure
- 85 TM 21 Frustration
- 86 TM 22 Solar Beam
- 87 TM 23 Iron Tail
- 88 TM 24 Dragon Breath
- 89 TM 25 Thunder
- 8A TM 26 Earthquake
- 8B TM 27 Return
- 8C TM 28 Dig
- 8D TM 29 Psychic
- 8E TM 30 Shadow Ball
- 8F TM 31 Mud-Slap
- 90 TM 32 Double Team
- 91 TM 33 Ice Punch
- 92 TM 34 Swagger
- 93 TM 35 Sleeptalk
- 94 TM 36 Sludge Bomb
- 95 TM 37 Sandstorm
- 96 TM 38 Fire Blast
- 97 TM 39 Swift
- 98 TM 40 Defense Curl
- 99 TM 41 Thunderpunch
- 9A TM 42 Dream Eater
- 9B TM 43 Detect
- 9C TM 44 Rest
- 9D TM 45 Attract
- 9E TM 46 Thief
- 9F TM 47 Steel Wing
- A0 TM 48 Fire Punch
- A1 TM 49 Fury Cutter
- A2 TM 50 Nightmare
No Random Encounters
Turns off random encounters in grass. Does NOT affect trainers.
Code – 01000BD2
Pokemon Gender Modifier
These Codes change the gender of the Pokemon you have in the first position.
Change to Male Codes –
- 01FF3FDA
- 01FF40DA
Change to Female Codes –
- 011F3FDA
- 01FF40DA
Using The Bike
This allows you to always be on your bike, even if you haven’t got one yet in the story.
Code – 010182D6
Wild Pokemon Encounter Modifier
This code forces certain Pokemon to appear. When entering the code, replace the XX with the ID number of the Pokemon you want.
Base Code – 01XXEDD0
ID Codes:
- 01 Bulbasaur
- 02 Ivysaur
- 03 Venusaur
- 04 Charmander
- 05 Charmeleon
- 06 Charizard
- 07 Squirtle
- 08 Wartortle
- 09 Blastoise
- 0A Caterpie
- 0B Metapod
- 0C Butterfree
- 0D Weedle
- 0E Kakuna
- 0F Beedrill
- 10 Pidgey
- 11 Pidgeotto
- 12 Pidgeot
- 13 Rattata
- 14 Raticate
- 15 Spearow
- 16 Fearow
- 17 Ekans
- 18 Arbok
- 19 Pikachu
- 1A Raichu
- 1B Sandshrew
- 1C Sandslash
- 1D Nidoran Female
- 1E Nidorina
- 1F Nidoqueen
- 20 Nidoran Male
- 21 Nidorino
- 22 Nidoking
- 23 Clefairy
- 24 Clefable
- 25 Vulpix
- 26 Ninetails
- 27 Jigglypuff
- 28 Wigglytuff
- 29 Zubat
- 2A Golbat
- 2B Oddish
- 2C Gloom
- 2D Vileplume
- 2E Paras
- 2F Parasect
- 30 Venonat
- 31 Venomoth
- 32 Diglett
- 33 Dugtrio
- 34 Meowth
- 35 Persian
- 36 Psyduck
- 37 Golduck
- 38 Mankey
- 39 Primeape
- 3A Growlithe
- 3B Arcanine
- 3C Poliwag
- 3D Poliwhirl
- 3E Poliwrath
- 3F Abra
- 40 Kadabra
- 41 Alakazam
- 42 Machop
- 43 Machoke
- 44 Machamp
- 45 Bellsprout
- 46 Weepinbell
- 47 Victreebell
- 48 Tentacool
- 49 Tentacruel
- 4A Geodude
- 4B Graveler
- 4C Golem
- 4D Ponyta
- 4E Rapidash
- 4F Slowpoke
- 50 Slowbro
- 51 Magnemite
- 52 Magneton
- 53 Farfetchd
- 54 Doduo
- 55 Dodrio
- 56 Seel
- 57 Dewgong
- 58 Grimer
- 59 Muk
- 5A Shellder
- 5B Cloyster
- 5C Gastly
- 5D Haunter
- 5E Gengar
- 5F Onix
- 60 Drowzee
- 61 Hypno
- 62 Krabby
- 63 Kingler
- 64 Voltorb
- 65 Electrode
- 66 Exeggcute
- 67 Exeggutor
- 68 Cubone
- 69 Marowak
- 6A Hitmonlee
- 6B Hitmonchan
- 6C Lickitung
- 6D Koffing
- 6E Weezing
- 6F Rhyhorn
- 70 Rhydon
- 71 Chansey
- 72 Tangela
- 73 Kangaskhan
- 74 Horsea
- 75 Seadra
- 76 Goldeen
- 77 Seaking
- 78 Staryu
- 79 Starmie
- 7A Mr Mime
- 7B Scyther
- 7C Jynx
- 7D Electabuzz
- 7E Magmar
- 7F Pinsir
- 80 Tauros
- 81 Magikarp
- 82 Gyarados
- 83 Lapras
- 84 Ditto
- 85 Eevee
- 86 Vaporeon
- 87 Jolteon
- 88 Flareon
- 89 Porygon
- 8A Omanyte
- 8B Omastar
- 8C Kabuto
- 8D Kabutops
- 8E Aerodactyl
- 8F Snorlax
- 90 Articuno
- 91 Zapdos
- 92 Moltres
- 93 Dratini
- 94 Dragonair
- 95 Dragonite
- 96 Mewtwo
- 97 Mew
- 98 Chikorita
- 99 Bayleef
- 9A Meganium
- 9B Cyndaquil
- 9C Quilava
- 9D Typhlosion
- 9E Totodile
- 9F Croconaw
- A0 Feraligatr
- A1 Sentret
- A2 Furret
- A3 Hoothoot
- A4 Noctowl
- A5 Ledyba
- A6 Ledian
- A7 Spinarak
- A8 Ariados
- A9 Crobat
- AA Chinchou
- AB Lanturn
- AC Pichu
- AD Cleffa
- AE Igglybuff
- AF Togepi
- B0 Togetic
- B1 Natu
- B2 Xatu
- B3 Mareep
- B4 Flaafy
- B5 Ampharos
- B6 Bellossum
- B7 Marill
- B8 Azumarill
- B9 Sudowoodo
- BA Politoed
- BB Hoppip
- BC Skiploom
- BD Jumpluff
- BE Aipom
- BF Sunkern
- C0 Sunflora
- C1 Yanma
- C2 Wooper
- C3 Quagsire
- C4Espeon
- C5 Umbreon
- C6 Murkrow
- C7 Slowking
- C8 Misdreavus
- C9 Unown
- CA Wobbuffet
- CB Girafarig
- CC Pineco
- CD Forretress
- CE Dunsparce
- CF Gligar
- D0 Steelix
- D1 Snubbull
- D2 Granbull
- D3 Qwilfish
- D4 Scizor
- D5 Shuckle
- D6 Heracross
- D7 Sneasel
- D8 Teddiursa
- D9 Ursaring
- DA Slugma
- DB Magcargo
- DC Swinub
- DD Piloswine
- DE Corsola
- DF Remoraid
- E0 Octillery
- E1 Delibird
- E2 Mantine
- E3 Skarmory
- E4 Houndour
- E5 Houndoom
- E6 Kingdra
- E7 Phanpy
- E8 Donphan
- E9 Porygon2
- EA Stantler
- EB Smeargle
- EC Tyrogue
- ED Hitmontop
- EE Smoochum
- EF Elekid
- F0 Magby
- F1 Miltank
- F2 Blissey
- F3 Raikou
- F4 Entei
- F5 Suicune
- F6 Larvitar
- F7 Pupitar
- F8 Tyranitar
- F9 Lugia
- FA Ho-Oh
- FB Celebi
One Hit Kill
Self explanatory, one hit defeats any enemy Pokemon.
Code – 010000D1
Unlimited Casino Coins
Provides unlimited casino coins.
- 01277AD5
- 010F7BD5
Unlimited Rare Candies
Provides unlimited Rare Candies.
Code – 0120E2D5
Unlimited PP
Power points are the resource needed for you pokemon to perform their moveset. When they run out, you can no longer attack or defend just struggle. This gives you limitless PP.
- First Move – 012814CB
- Second Move – 012815CB
- Third Move – 012816CB
- Fourth Move – 012817CB
Unlimited HP
Self explanatory. While this cheat is active, your Pokemon will never take damage.
Code – 01FF1DCB
Unlimited Money
Self explanatory. While this cheat is active, your money will never decrease.
- 019973D5
- 019974D5
- 019975D5
Pokemon Silver Cheats FAQ
What is the cheat code for Masterball In Pokemon Silver? The Gameshark Code for Master Balls in the Mart is 0101F1D0.